Belinda Fairfax joined the Board in October 2019. Belinda holds a BA in Psychology and Economics, and Level 2 Coaching Certification  from the Institute of Executive Coaching Australia. As a HR Specialist, she brings to the board a range of people based skills including performance management, leadership, strategy, stakeholder Management, business partnership and collaboration skills. 

She has been worked in various industries, ranging from Financial Services, Health, Property and non for profit for over the past 30 years. Her roles have spanned from Head of Human Resources, Vice President Human Resources, Project Lead and Management, Executive Coaching, Facilitation and Consulting. Belinda is the Founder and Managing Director of Bel People Solutions.

Before joining the Board, Belinda worked in a voluntary capacity with The Family Co. for three years, helping clients with career planning and interview skills, as many re-entered the workforce after a period of absence with family commitments. Belinda brought encouragement, positivity and hope to many women during this time.

Belinda has previously held the role of Director on the Board of Alliance Health. Since joining the Board, Belinda has lead the recruitment and onboarding of our CEO. She was appointed to the role of Chairperson in 2021 and looks forward to leading the Board in their future strategic planning, and upholding the excellent reputation that The Family Co. has in the wider community.

On accepting the position and having the opportunity to work alongside The Family Co. staff further, Belinda stated:

“It is with great honour and enthusiasm that I accept the role of Chair for The Family Co. I would like to take this time to thank Ann Murphy for the profound work she has previously contributed, as Chair of The Family Co. Despite her demanding career, Ann has dedicated her time and efforts to leading the Board and representing the organisation with immense pride. It is fantastic that Ann will continue to volunteer her time to The Family Co, as a Board Member.

I have enormous passion for our organisation, our people, our clients, stakeholders and the incredible support we provide to women, children, youth and families. It is with gratitude that over the past 3 years I have been part of developing and driving our vision of empowering women, children, youth and families to have a safe home, strong connections and opportunities to thrive. I look forward to leading the Board and working in strong partnership with our CEO Ashleigh Daines, to continue making our significant and vital vision, a reality. I look forward to working with all of you and continuing to be a part of our remarkable organisation.”