Belinda has worked in various industries, ranging from Financial Services, Health, Property and not for profit over the past 30 years. Her roles have spanned from Head of Human Resources, Vice President Human Resources, Project Lead on organisational wide campaigns, Leadership Development Coaching, as well as Career and Executive Coaching, Facilitation and People and Culture Consulting. Belinda is the Founder and Managing Director of Bel People Solutions and has previously held the role of Director on the Board of Alliance Health.

Before joining the Board, Belinda worked in a voluntary capacity with The Family Co. for three years, helping clients with career planning and workplace readiness, as many re-entered the workforce after a period of absence. Belinda brought encouragement, positivity and self-confidence to many women and men during this time.

Belinda was appointed to the role of Chairperson in October 2021 and has worked with intent and strong purpose to drive Board succession and identify targeted talent, to direct the organisation to achieve their current strategic goals, challenge “conventional thinking” and operate with versatility and resilience. Belinda strongly believes that with our world continually evolving and impacting our workplaces and communities at a rapid pace, the need for expertise, insight, flexibility, creativity, diversity, and deep care is becoming increasingly important. Underpinned by a strong set of shared values, she continues to see how the profound relationships The Family Co leaders and employees have with their clients, stakeholders and invested partners continues to turn our vital vision into a reality.

Belinda holds great passion and admiration for the incredible support, programs, and services our employees provide to women, children, families, and young people. Belinda recognises that the work done nationally to train and educate corporates and businesses on domestic and family violence, raises awareness, drives accountability and is critical to achieving successful intervention and prevention. Having a presence at schools, educating our young people on “healthy relationships” truly ensures The Family Co offers a full wrap around service. Through this multilayered approach and continued assistance from aligned stakeholders and partners, the Board and team at The Family Co are striving to expand their impact to empower women, children, families, and young people to have a safe home, strong connections, and opportunities to thrive.