You can contact us Monday - Friday from 9am to 5pm on (02) 8508 4350  


The Southern Sydney Women's Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service (SSWDVCAS) is a local community-based service for female, female identifying and non-binary people seeking information and help about domestic and family violence (DFV) and how to get protection from the court. SSWDVCAs provides assistance to those who reside in the Sutherland and St George areas.

We provide case co-ordination, case management and support throughout the court process for Apprehended Domestic Violence Order’s (ADVO) and domestic violence criminal charges. 

What is an ADVO?

An ADVO is an Apprehended Domestic Violence Order. It is an order from the court to protect victims of violence when they fear for their safety. They are sometimes called restraining orders or protection orders. For further information about the ADVO process please contact SSWDVCAS.

How We Can Help


Our team of specialist workers provide advice and support for women who have experienced DFV. SSWDVCAS is the first point of contact with women after they made reports of DFV to the Police. Women are provided with safety planning, information and referrals to relevant services. Specialist workers complete threat assessment’s with women and make referrals to Safety Action Meeting’s for women at high risk of domestic and family violence.

SSWDVCAS specialist workers can provide support and guidance to victims-survivors of domestic and family violence regardless of whether they have reported to Police before. 

Safety Action Meetings (SAM)

Safety Action Meetings (SAM) for each Police Area Command (PAC) occur each fortnight. A SAM is a meeting of local government and non-government stakeholders which aims to prevent or lessen serious threats to the safety of domestic violence victims through targeted information sharing and responsive, timely and targeted safety actions plans.

Southern Sydney WDVCAS has two SAM’s locations which cover Sutherland Shire PAC and St George PAC. If you are a service provider who believes a client may be at Serious Threat of Domestic Violence please contact [email protected] 

Court support

SSWDVCAS can support victim survivors throughout the entirety of the court process and facilitates access to the safe room at Sutherland Local Court. In particular we help victim survivors obtain legal protection through Apprehended Domestic Violence Orders (ADVO’s) and advocate on their behalf to ensure an ADVO is tailored to suit an individuals needs.

SSWDVCAS will work with key partners such as NSW Police and Local Courts to effectively assist victim survivors navigate and negotiate the justice system. This includes ensuring ADVO conditions are appropriate and providing support to victim survivors when addressing breaches and disclosing offences against them.

SSWDVCAS’s court advocacy work aims to assist in minimising the risk of secondary victimisation of victim survivors by the justice system.

Domestic Violence Duty Scheme (DVDS): WDVCAS works in conjunction with Legal Aid to provide the Domestic Violence Duty Scheme (DVDS); solicitors who can offer free legal advice and information at court or over the phone to SSWDVCAS clients on a Wednesday.

Hearing Information Sessions: In preparation for defended Hearings, we offer monthly Domestic Violence Hearing Information Sessions facilitated in conjunction with the local Police Prosecutors and Domestic Violence Liaison Officers to provide information about hearing process and offer victim survivors a chance to ask questions about what to expect on the day. Complete registration of interest here.

Hearing Support Pilot: Southern Sydney WDVCAS has dedicated hearing support workers at Sutherland Local Court. Our Hearing Support Workers assist victim survivors in regard to defended hearings in the Local Court for Apprehended Domestic Violence Order (ADVO) and/or domestic and family violence related criminal charge matters. 


SSWDVCAS provides specialist DFV case management by working alongside victim-survivors to develop a person-centred case plan that identifies their key safety concerns, needs and goals, and options for addressing these. Casework engages clients regarding their experience of violence to empower them understand safety for themselves and their families. This may include support in navigating victims services, accommodation services, income and financial relief and therapeutic supports.

SSWDVCAS Case Management Workers provide a specialist and trauma-informed service to WDVCAS clients who have been assessed as having complex and serious needs which are impacting on their safety.

Aboriginal and Multicultural Support

The Aboriginal and Multicultural Focus Workers are identified and specialised roles within our service designed to assist women from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds or Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities who are experiencing domestic and family violence.

Our Focus Workers are available to assist you at the Police station, at our community outreach centres, over the phone, or in court. Focus worker’s can support with safety planning and refer to specialised services for financial, social, housing, counselling, cultural and immigration needs. 

Research and Pilot Programs

SSWDVCAS engages with external stakeholders to participate in research that ensure best practice methods and frameworks are being utilised for victim survivor outcomes. Currently SSWDVCAS is participating in two pilot projects including, NSW Police Co-Location Pilot and Hearing Support Program at the Local Court. 

Community Engagement

Our specialist workers can also present at your community service, collaborating with your staff to provide the best support for clients experiencing family and domestic violence. They also engage in community events to raise awareness and promote support in the primary prevention space.

If you would like SSWDVCAS to present at your service please email [email protected]