Staying Home Leaving Violence Staying Home Leaving Violence is a specialised domestic and family violence program covering the Sutherland Shire to assist women and their children who have separated from a violence partners or family member. The program aims to improve outcomes for women and children by supporting them stay in their own home safely where possible, or relocate to safe accommodation and live free from violence. The program provides individualised case management support to assist with practical and emotional support needs for women and children. How we can support you: Individualised case management to assist you with practical support needs, housing, wellbeing and safety needs or access emotional supports such as counselling, Safety planning Maintain safe, stable accommodation Build and maintain safety by working with police, legal and court advocacy services, to obtain an Apprehended Domestic Violence Order (ADVO) Access emotional support services for yourself and/or your children Learn about healthy relationships Stay connected with your community, family & friends Access or maintain employment or training opportunities Maintain stable education or childcare for your children Information and support to make choices to enhance your safety and wellbeing We offer culturally appropriate and safe services for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Women and their children through our partner agencies and work with specialists to support women and children from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds. If you would like to know more about this program, please contact us on (02) 9528 2933. To access services under this program, please complete our referral form or emailor email [email protected]. Please note that if you are the one who needs support, you can refer yourself into the program. Simply complete the referral form with your own details, or call us on (02) 9528 2933.