The Sutherland Shire Family Services' team is celebrating Harmony Week with renewed discussions about how we celebrate our diversity while continuing to encourage kindness and inclusivity.

Gathering at our Jannali location for a team morning tea, we all created Harmony day artwork, where individually we wrote out wishes for harmony in the world on paper chain people, decorated them, and then when everyone was done, we were then able to link together to form one long paper chain, representing the unity of our service and staff in working together, and our collective hopes and dreams.

One of the amazing things of working at SSFS is the opportunities like this one where we step out of our day to day jobs in helping others practically through our programs and services, and think about the bigger picture, and how we all want to shape the world. This opportunity certainly gave us all the chance to do just that.

Through this exercise, we discovered not everyone on the team is a natural artist :-), but ALL our staff are positive and hopeful people who truly have the community's interests at heart, and want a safer, kinder, and more inclusive world. 

We hope you'll take the opportunity this harmony week to similarly reflect on what you can do to create more harmony, unity and kindness in the world.

These photos are from our team morning tea, including the "presentation" of our Human Paper Chain for Harmony Day 2020.