Did you know that 1 Australian woman dies every 9 days at the hands of her current or former partner? Every death, every abusive act, is one too many.
Today, over 4,000 people will take part on the Walk For Respectful Relationships - a community effort to come together to raise awareness of the devastating impacts of domestic and family violence in our community.  Join us to #StandUpSpeakOut, and reject violence in our community. 
This morning at 10am, many people tuned in to watch a video from a range of local speakers about this topic. Because this was a livestream, there is a 15min lead time, so fast forward the video to 15mins to get to the good bits!

Many of our staff also headed outdoors on this gorgeous sunny day to walk in solidarity, and spread awareness of the devastating impacts of domestic and family violence in our community.  Here are some pictures of our team supporting this worthwhile cause.
We are also proud to provide a range of support services to local women, children and young people who are impacted by domestic violence and need help in staying safe and rebuilding their lives. We offer a range of support and therapeutic education programs for women and families, with emotional trauma specialists who can assist with recovery. We help people rebuild their lives following devastating experiences, and believe that all children and families should have a safe home, strong connections and opportunities to thrive in life.
To support us in this work, you can donate here.