Sutherland Shire Domestic Violence Committee

The Sutherland Shire Domestic Violence Committee (SSDVC) is a collective of local professionals from support services, not for profit organisations, and Local and State Governments who are committed to raising awareness about the impacts of domestic and family violence, as well as providing information on local services for victims of domestic and family violence.

The Committee is hosted and led by The Family Co., who has been supporting local families impacted by domestic violence for over 30 years. Committee members meet monthly (and have done for over 25 years) to discuss local statistics, emerging trends, and best practice support. The committee also hosts community outreach activities that promote support services in the wider community.

The Committee meets on a monthly basis to discuss issues facing the Sutherland Shire Community. As well as understanding the prevalence of DV in the community,  committee members discuss responses and best practice approaches to working with people impacted by violence.

The aims of the SSDVC committee are to:-

1. Raise community awareness about the destructive impacts of domestic and family violence,

2. Promote models of healthy and respectful behaviours and relationships, and 

3. Provide information on local services for victims of domestic and family violence. 

Members of this committee include NSW Police, Department of Communities & Justice (DCJ),  The Family Co., Southern Sydney Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service (SSWDVCAS), Orana Women's Health Service, Interrelate, Sutherland Shire Council, Family Connect & Support, SVDP and Platform 9 (women's accommodation services) Health Social Workers, DV Navigators and community health workers, Hopefield, Enough is Enough, Gymea Community Aid and Information Services, Project Youth and Brighter Futures.

Terms of Reference of the Domestic Violence Committee

Committee Name

  • Sutherland Shire Domestic Violence Committee (SSDVC)


  • Sutherland Shire Domestic Violence Committee (SSDVC) aims to raise awareness of violence against women and children. 
  • SSDVC aims to raise awareness about local supports and services available to women and children in order to increase their safety.
  • The committee is to reinforce messages about positive behaviours and social norms rejecting violence against women and children.
  • Increase social networks.
  • Increase knowledge of resources.


  • Trauma informed principles are used to guide the committee.
  • The committee will use “domestic violence” as the preferred term of reference, not only in keeping with the history of the feminist movement against this form of violence but also to emphasise that the perpetration of violence impacts not only women but also children and young people who should have the right to live in safety and without fear of harm.
  • This committee is based on a feminist understanding which sees domestic violence as a form of interpersonal abuse that is grounded in gender inequality and is perpetrated primarily by men against female partners. 

Meeting Arrangements

  • The committee will be hosted by The Family Co. at Orana Central, 3A Stapleton Ave, Sutherland.
  • Monthly invitations will be sent to member organisations prior to meetings with Agenda attached.
  • Monthly minutes will be taken and distributed by the host organisation, The Family Co.
  • Key activities for promotional events are best aligned within significant dates in the calendar for awareness of DFV such as 16 days of Activism against Gender based Violence Campaign. This event runs from the 25th November, the International day of Elimination of violence against women, to 10th December, Humans Rights Day and Domestic Violence Prevention Month in May.


  • The committee consists membership from both government and non-government organisations within the Sutherland Shire.
  • The committee comprise of members with demonstrated expertise in addressing domestic and family violence.
  • Committee Agreement/Code of Conduct to be established at the start of each calendar year e.g. participation, location, committee membership.

(Guidelines sourced from,, Rosie’s Place, SSFS)






Objective 1: To increase community awareness and education around the needs of women and children experiencing or who have been impacted by domestic violence.

  • Provide opportunities for access to information to increase community awareness around issues and additional barriers for women and children experiencing or who have been impacted by domestic violence.
  • The committee will organise and facilitate a Domestic Violence Event within the 16 days of violence against gendered based violence.
  • Provide local domestic and family violence resource guide that aims to increase understanding of domestic and family violence and to provide contact details of local services.
  • Continue to use the locally recognised logo for the Sutherland Shire Domestic Violence Committee.
  • Use social media to enhance the understanding and awareness of the local community about domestic and family violence
  • Development of a SSDVC webpage.
  • Annually the SSDVC will apply for grants to facilitate a domestic violence event for the Sutherland Shire to increase their knowledge and understanding of issues faced by those impacted by domestic and family violence and to increase the knowledge of referral pathways for communities in the Sutherland Shire.
  • Committee members will distribute the SSDVC updated domestic violence resource and information booklet that was reprinted with the  support of Sutherland Shire Council. Committee members updated information about domestic and family violence using current evidence based frameworks and to update local service information to facilitate pathways for access to services from those impacted by domestic violence and the community.
  • To continue to use the SSDVC logo in all promotional and community awareness raising events, including all media, so that the Sutherland Shire Domestic and Family Violence committee is recognisable as local organisation to access for information, advocacy and support for victims of domestic and family violence and to be the leading in championing women and children’s safety the Sutherland Shire.
  • Circulate information and community awareness of domestic and family violence through a registered face book page of the Sutherland Shire Domestic Violence Committee.
  • SSDVC will continue to update the webpage and invite organisations and those impacted by domestic violence to access the webpage for information and resources with the Sutherland Shire. Committee members are to advise the chair of updates needed as they arise.

Objective 2: To establish a local network of service providers to identify gaps and trends which will inform the development of initiatives aimed at better supporting and responding to the needs of women and children experiencing or who have been impacted by domestic violence.  

  • Increase awareness, promote the work and objectives of the committee and target key stakeholders.
  • DV committee representatives to share and promote information about the work of the DV Committee within their own agency and other networks.
  • Representatives to share relevant information with the committee in relation to their services work in the dv sector.
  •  Members of the Domestic Violence Committee to document and report any identified gaps and trends in the domestic violence sector.
  • Ensure relevant services in the local government area are invited to attend and/or receive the minutes of the monthly meetings.



  • Circulate current information about domestic and family violence through a registered face book page of the Sutherland Shire Domestic Violence Committee
  • The committee will have a monthly agenda item that covers Service Information Exchange that will allow committee representatives to share service information and locally run programs.
  • The committee representatives will allocate time during monthly meetings to discuss gaps and trends, provide articles and literature of emerging legislation, programs and policies that may impact those who have experienced domestic violence. Guest speakers will be regularly invited to the committee to provide current information on emerging programs.
  • The committee will email relevant services in the local government area to attend the monthly meetings and to events that the committee are organising.

Objective 3: To support and strengthen the practice of service providers in responding to the needs of women and children experiencing or who have been impacted by domestic violence.

  • To provide relevant training, learning opportunities and collegial support within the local service network.
  • Coordinate the delivery of targeted event, campaign and/or training to coincide with  International Women’s Day 8th March and/or for 16 days of activism against gender based violence either on or (commencing 25th November).
  • Establish a funding pool to ensure the ongoing delivery of training.



  • The committee will share information about relevant training, learning opportunities and service support through service representatives, the committee’s mail out directory, the committees face book page and website.

  • Committee representatives where possible will contribute to events/training to ensure ongoing delivery.