Sutherland Shire Domestic Violence Committee

As part of the 16 Days of Activism, last week the Sutherland Shire Domestic Violence Committee was proud to launch a series of short films designed to highlight examples of coercive control, in an effort to increase awareness and detection of this form of domestic violence.
The production of the films was funded by Sutherland Shire Council’s Community Grants Program, and the films will be used in ongoing education programs by local support services, committee members and schools, hoping that the storytelling through these films helps to create awareness and recognition of unhealthy relationship behaviours.
Coercive control is often not recognised as domestic violence due to the ongoing subtle messages used by abusers to manipulate their victims into feeling further isolated and not believed. The SSDVC identified a need for awareness within the Sutherland Shire community that domestic violence was not always about anger and physical abuse, but also about power and control which can be achieved by the perpetrator in many different forms.
The launch of the films was held at Hazelhurst Arts Centre and guests included Sutherland Shire Mayor - Cr Carmelo Pesce, Detective Inspector Gavin Bradbury from Sutherland Shire Police Area Command, Alastair York from Sketchbook Media, Victim/ Survivor Louise Gray and local artist Tanya Tindale, who's "From Shadows into the Light" Community Art Exhibition Project has sensitively told the stories of many local survivors.
During these 16 Days of Activism 2022, we encourage all community members to learn about forms of domestic violence, and to understand what support is available to victims and their families. Our website ( also includes resources to help, including a Sutherland Shire Domestic Violence Information and Support Guide
You can watch the three videos launched by the Committee here: