Melissa Keane - Team Leader, Staying Home Leaving Violence program Melissa Keane is the Team Leader for The Family Co's Staying Home Leaving Violence program, a specialist co-ordinated program to assist women and their children who have separated from a violent partner or family member. The program aims to improve outcomes for women and children by supporting them stay in their own home safely where possible, or relocate to safe accommodation and live free from violence. Mel has over 5 years experience as a Domestic Violence specialist worker and has been working for The Family Co. in the Women's Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service for 5 years, most recently as the Assistant Manager. Prior to joining the Family Co, she acquired around 10 years of experience as a caseworker for both youth homelessness support and mental health providers. She has a Bachelor of Counselling degree and a Youth Work diploma. Mel loves assisting women to feel empowered to make changes in their lives, finding the strength in themselves.